
Tips for preparing effective media interviews

media interviews

Media is one of the vital channels for any kind of business communication between the organization and the public. Although there are a lot of mediums today in the form of social media, blogs, and videos, media interviews remain the popular channel for PR and business communication.

Good interviews just do not happen; they need thorough preparation, planning, and research. You need to answer the media person with facts and relevant information.

How to give stellar media interviews-

  • Research-

Do a background check on who is coming to interview you. E.g. which is the publication, or the channel? You can view their previous interviews on the YouTube channel or their social media channels. It will help you prepare for the questions which may be asked to you, and allow you to rehearse those responses.

  • Be short, but to the point-

Refrain from giving too long answers which will fail to deliver the key messages. It can waste precious time and can make it difficult for reporters to jot down the points.

  • Avoid using a negative word-

Even if you disagree with something the reporter questions you, refrain from using a negative word. Answer the questions with positivity and politely.

  • If possible ask for practice sessions-

A practice session with the reporter will be helpful both to the reporter and interviewee. The person will also be able to understand how he/she can be seen on the camera and develop a certain level of confidence (if it is for the first time in case)

  • Stay relevant to the message-

Remember while giving any kind of media interview, you should always remember to stick to your brand message. Do not wander away from giving any kind of information which is not in any way connected to your organization.

  • Something more in detail-

Apart from the above preparations, you need to prepare for some background information. 

  • Ask whether the interview will be pre-recorded or live? If possible always go for a live interview.
  • Enquire whether anyone else will be interviewed along with you?
  • What is the topic? What is expected of you? Are your competitors going to be involved in the story?
  • Which is the location of the interview? This is important as you need to be comfortable with the ambience. If it is an unknown ambience then you need to aquatint yourself with the same. Check whether there are any noises in the background.
  • Share any personal story-

Sharing any personal story makes the interview interesting both to the reporter and your audience. It also gives the much-needed depth in the interview. It helps connect your audience emotionally. If possible also add a touch of humor to the conversation.

  • Prepare for a virtual interview, just in case-

In the wake of virtual media, there can be a possibility that you can be asked for a virtual interview.  Remote interviews have their advantages. It saves travel time, and you can give the interview in the comfort of your home.

At the same time, you also need to check the lighting, microphone, and sound clarity of the tool you are using.

  • Avoid doing any kind of self-promotion-

It will not only put a wrong impression but make the whole purpose of the interview go waste. You are not here to advertise your business. There are different strategies for the same.

  • Be ready to tackle off-beat questions in case-

At times, the reporters can ask you some difficult questions. Handle them with tact and care. Do not give out any detail sensitive to the organization.

  • Avoid using any kind of jargon-

There may be words and terminologies which you may be using in your organization. Avoid using these in your media interviews as they may be confusing to the common man. Also people may lose interest in the interview altogether. Make use of words which are understandable to the public.

  • Personal Grooming-

Your appearance is as important as your talk. Choose an outfit in which you are most comfortable. Avoid any controversial outfit. Your best bet is any kind of formals, which will make you look smart and confident. If you are opting for make-up do not make it look as though you are attending a wedding or a personal occasion. You can take the help of any grooming expert.

  • Body Language-

Make clear eye-contact with the camera and the journalist to whom you are talking to. Do not be distracted by any other activity around. Sit up straight and do not fidget. Have a pleasing smile on your face, but do not overdo it. Use gestures sparingly.

  • Interview Confirmation-

At least 2 days before the interview, confirm the time, venue, day, date and the anticipated date of the interview. Ask whether you need to prepare for anything specific for the interview.

  • Have a pause after you make your conversation-

Do not continue to keep on talking after making your point. Pause for the reporter to ask the question. Use clear sentences to make your point.

On a concluding note-

Research is essential for a successful media interview. You need to understand that the purpose of the media interview is not to educate your audience but it is to provide information regarding any significant event or news in the organization.

And a pre-preparation is a successful key to it.

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